Happy’s Humble Burger Barn

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Happy's Humble Burger Barn is a horror / thriller adventure with a focus on perception. This small game was made in a little under a month and is our homage to the PSX era and aesthetic. It's a short (~1 hour) experience.

The game’s sequel, Happy’s Humble Burger Farm, is being published by tinyBuild. I left Scythe Dev Team at the end of pre-production for Happy’s Humble Burger Farm.

Happy’s Humble Burger Barn is a free “Fast Food Horror Sim” that has some pretty thrilling moments and an oddly captivating aesthetic for a game about burgers. - PC Gamer

Taking around 30 minutes to play through, Happy’s Humble Burger Barn is a great little horror game that’s full of clever little touches. - Free Game Planet

My contributions to this project were in Game and Level Design, as well as gameplay programming. I worked closely with Lead Developer Kaleb Alfadda to polish gameplay interactions and user experience. 

​The game is available on itch.io and has been downloaded over 25,000 times.


Carthanc | Dread X Collection


Happy's Humble Burger Farm